Benefits of Residential Window Tinting in Florida

We all know how hot it can get in Florida. Summers in Central Florida average temperatures upwards of 90+ degrees with the heat index often over 100. In 2019, June clocked in as the hottest month ever for the entire globe until July hit and beat that record. Due to climate change it is estimated that Florida will see an average of 96 days per year with a heat index above 100 degrees. That is over 25% of the year!

You may wonder, OK, those are great statistics and all, but how does this impact me personally? We in Florida take shelter from the heat in our homes and place of business. We know that when we enter these spaces our efficiently running air conditioner should maintain our home or business at a comfortable 70-75 degrees. But at what cost? An electric bill for a typical 2,500sf home in Florida could easily run between $250 – $400 in the summer months depending on the insulation of your home and preferred temperature.

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Your windows may be contributing to these bills by allowing heat to transfer through them. Wait a minute, don’t my windows prevent the outside elements from coming in? Not quite. It’s estimated that 30% of heat is transferred through our windows. What does this mean? Simply put, heat transfers to lower temperatures. This means your windows are welcoming in the outside heat into your cool home making your AC work harder to maintain that temperature. This by default increases your electric bill, and overall wear and tear on your ac unit. And even though we are in Florida, let’s not forget the few cold weeks a year we get. In the same way that heat is transferred into the home in summer months, the warmth can be released out during winter.

With stats like this, it’s no surprise that utility companies like OUC in central Florida offer rebates for installing Window film. The film:

  • Reflects and absorbs solar energy rejecting heat up to 75-80%.

  • Significantly decreases glare.

  • Reduces 99% of the UV radiation reducing fading of furniture and flooring.

  • Protects you skin from harmful UV rays.

This accumulates to a potential savings in your utility bill up to 30%. For Florida residents, this is an invaluable addition to your home or business. This is the exact reason we at TintXperts know what we do is extremely important. You work hard for your money, and we want to bring you the savings that professional window tinting offers. Please feel welcome to fill out our free consultation form for more information.


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