Disney Monorail Windows

Disney Monorail Train Windows Safety Film Replacement




8 mil Clear Security

Removal of Existing Film


The Challenge:

Disney’s Monorail train windows are treated with interior 8 mil clear safety and security film to protect customers in the event of glass breakage. TintXperts was tasked with replacing several window panels that had damaged and broken security window film. This effort required special coordination to remove the windows from several monorail trains.

The Solution:

TintXperts coordinated with Disney employees to remove the damaged window glass from the Monorail trains at the Monorail Service Station. Our commercial window tint team set up two working table stations to remove the existing film, clean the glass, and install new 8 mil safety film. After the installation, Disney employees reinstalled the windows in their respective places on the Monorail trains.

The project in pictures

Unlocking potential

The benefits TintXperts brought to this project

Increase security

Renewed appearance

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